Numazu-juku 沼津宿 Numazu Postal Station
the twelfth of the fifty-three stations of the Tōkaidō. It is located in the present-day city of Numazu, Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan.
Numazu was the eastern-most post station within Suruga Province, and was the castle town of the daimyo of Numazu Domain. During its peak in the Edo period, Numazu-juku had over 1,200 buildings, including three honjin, one sub-honjin, and 55 hatago.
Modern Numazu city has a local history museum displaying the history of the area.

The classic ukiyoe print by Ando Hiroshige (Hoeido edition) from 1831-1834 depicts travelers walking along a tree-lined river bank, towards Numazu-shuku, under a huge full moon in a deep blue sky.
One of the travelers is wearing the white robes of a pilgrim, and is
carrying a huge Tengu mask on his back,
indicating that his destination is the famed Shinto shrine of Kompira on Shikoku.
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. Tengu 金剛坊 Kongo-Bo 象頭山 Zozusan .

More photos
source : www.tokaidou.jp
Numazu Shi 沼津市
is a city located in eastern Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan. As of 2009, the city has an estimated population of 205,636 and a population density of 1,100 persons per km².
Numazu is an ancient settlement, mentioned in Nara period records as the original provincial capital of Suruga Province before the separation of Izu Province from Suruga in 680, and subsequent transfer of the provincial capital to the banks of the Abe River in what is now Shizuoka city. During the early part of the Tokugawa shogunate, Numazu was ruled as part of Odawara Domain, but with the construction of Numazu Castle in 1777, it became the separate Numazu Domain. Numazu prospered in the Edo period from its location on the Tōkaidō, with Numazu-juku and Hara-juku as two of the 53 post stations.
After the Meiji Restoration, Numazu Station was opened on the Tōkaidō Main Line on February 1, 1889. During the cadastral reform of the early Meiji period in 1889, the area was reorganized into Numazu Town within Suntō District, Shizuoka From its seaside location, Numazu gained a reputation as a health resort, which was further enhanced by its selection as the location of a villa for Emperor Meiji in 1893. The area become popular with other members of the nobility, statesmen (including Inoue Kaoru) and writers. Numazu town expanded in 1923 by merger with Yanagihara village, becoming Numazu City on July 1, 1923.
Central Numazu was destroyed by a fire in 1926. In 1944, the city further expanded through merger with neighboring Katahama, Kanaoka, Ooka and Shizuura villages. The city was a target for American air raids in World War II, and was largely destroyed by bombing on July 17, 1945.
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. Food from Yamanashi Prefecture 山梨 .
nigai 煮貝 simmered fish, mostly abalone and sazae

Yamanashi does not have a coast and sea fish was scarse. They used mostly dried seafood, simmered in soy sauce, prepared in Numazu, Shizuoka.
On the way on horseback along the river Fujigawa the luggage became hot from swinging back and forth and the simmering continued until the carriers were home in about 3 to 4 days and the seafood just ready to taste.
Numazu Hie-jinja 沼津 日枝神社
Hie Shrine in Numazu
In the precincts is a stone memorial for Matsuo Basho
Miyako idete kami mo tabine no hinaga kana
I left the capital
and shared many nights on the road
with the gods
Matsuo Basho (1691) had left Kyoto late in the 10th lunar month and arrived in Numazu on his way to Edo early in the 11th lunar month, just when the gods are absent in Izumo and might have been on their way home too.
. Numazu Hie-jinja Festivals 沼津 日枝神社 .

source : edonoyume
The pilgrims to Konpira san passed along 33 sacred stations, each one of them giving them a stamp which was put in the wooden box (oizuru, oizuri 笈摺)) with the Tengu mask they carried on their back.
This rucksack-like wooden box (oi 笈 - without the tengu mask) was the typical outfit of a mountain ascetic.
natsuno yuku hito ya tengu no men o ou
people walk along
the wild fields of summer - a tengu mask
on their backs
. Masaoka Shiki .
During the eighteenth century, as the imperial house began to gain in stature, people identified Konpira Daigongen with the twelfth-century emperor Sutokuin, thereby associating the powers of the god with both the imperial house and with the supernatural powers of tengu, for both Sutokuin and the seventeenth-century priestly reviver of Mt. Zozu were envisioned in the popular imagination as such winged, long-nosed creatures...
. Konpira 金毘羅 Kompira in Shikoku .

Konpira mairi 金比羅参り
. Tengu and Daruma 天狗とだるま .
yado mo yoshi tabi wa Numazu no juusanya
the lodging is just right -
my trip today stops at Numazu
at the 13th night
. Hamada Shadoo 浜田洒堂 .
Hamada Chinseki 浜田珍碩
He was a student of Matsuo Basho.
. WKD : juusanya 十三夜(じゅうさんや)moon on day 13 .
in late autumn
13. Hara-juku 原宿 (Numazu)

Ando Hiroshige
Two women wayfarers, and a coolie carrying their boxes, passing along by rice fields, overlooked by the huge snowy mass of Fuji.
The neighbourhood of Hara is considered the best vantage point for magnificent views of Mount Fuji. In the Edo Period, travelling on the highway was considered very dangerous and woman travellers were usually accompanied by their manservant.
When ladies were travelling alone they could also hire porters for their belongings. Or rent horses for transportation. It was all a question of money.
hara juku "meadow lodging"
Hara-juku was a smaller post town on the coast of Suruga Bay between Numazu-juku and Yoshiwara-juku in Suruga Province. It is the site of many paintings because of Mount Fuji in the background.
The classic ukiyoe print by Ando Hiroshige (Hoeido edition) from 1831-1834 depicts two women travelers walking past a huge snowy Mount Fuji. The women are accompanied by a manservant who is carrying their luggage. By contrast, the Kyōka edition of the late 1830s depicts three small teahouses, dwarfed by a huge, red Mount Fuji which protrudes out of the picture into the top margin.
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. Tengupedia - 天狗ペディア - Tengu ABC-List.

大天狗の像 - Statue of the Great Tengu
Once a pilgrim wanted to carry a Tengu statue from Edo to Konpira san in Shikoku.
He came as far as Yokohama, when the statue became so heavy, he could not move any more.
In a dream the Deity told him to let the Tengu stay here and built a shrine for it,
大綱金刀比羅神社 Otsuna Kotohira Jinja
- reference source : travel.co.jp/guide/article... -
. The 53 stations of the Tokaido 東海道五十三次 .
. Amulets and Talismans from Japan .
- konpira #kompira -
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