Nara 奈良

Nara (奈良市, Nara-shi) is the capital city of Nara Prefecture in the Kansai region of Japan. The city occupies the northern part of Nara Prefecture, directly bordering Kyoto Prefecture.
Eight temples, shrines and ruins in Nara, specifically Tōdai-ji, Saidai-ji, Kōfuku-ji, Kasuga Shrine, Gangō-ji, Yakushi-ji, Tōshōdai-ji and the Heijō Palace remains, together with Kasugayama Primeval Forest, collectively form "Historic Monuments of Ancient Nara", a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Deer in Nara
According to the legendary history of Kasuga Shrine, a mythological god Takemikazuchi arrived in Nara on a white deer to guard the newly built capital of Heijō-kyō. Since then the deer have been regarded as heavenly animals, protecting the city and the country.
Tame deer roam through the town, especially in Nara Park. Snack vendors sell "shika sembei" (deer biscuits) to visitors so they can enjoy feeding the deer. Some of the deer have learned to bow in response to tourists' bows. They nudge, jostle, and even bite for food.
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Aoni Yoshi 青丹よし Aoniyoshi
"the green and cinnabar is good"
lit. the aoni refers to a dark-green earth.
This is an old makurakotoba for the old capital of Nara. The red pillars and green window bars of the shrine are auspicious colors to keep evil out of the city.
Many temples and shrines were built with these colors, so a walk in Nara was yoshi, was pleasing and this expression became synonymous with NARA (Heijokyo 平城京 (Heijookyoo).
This expression derived from a famous waka poem.
あおによし 奈良の都は咲く花の におうがごとく 今さかりなり
aoniyoshi Nara no miyako wa saku hana no niou ga gotoku ima sakarinari
Ono no Oyu 小野老 をののおゆ (?-737)
green and cinnabar are splendid -
like blossoms in full bloom and fragrance
the capital of Nara is now at its best
. Niutsuhime 丹生都比女
This deity is related to cinnabar (shu) and mercury.
あおに - 青丹 - 《「に」は土の意》
1 青黒い土。
2 緑色の顔料の土。岩緑青(いわろくしょう)のこと。(malachite green)
3 染め色の名。濃い青に黄の加わった色。
4 襲(かさね)の色目の名。表裏ともに濃い青に黄を加えた色。
Some sources refere to the HANA as cherry blossoms, some think they are plum blossoms.
- Reference : aoni yoshi 青丹(あおに)よし
"The royal city,
Nara of the blue-green earth,
Like blossoming trees
That shimmer into fragrant bloom,
Is at the height of splendor now.
Tr. Edwin Cranston
The Imperial City of fairest Nara
Glows now at the height of beauty,
Like brilliant flowers in bloom!
Nippon Gakujutsu Shinkokai
Discussion of the various translations:
source : PMJS Listserve forum
We have some separate entries about the temples, shrines and food of Nara.
. Deities of the Four Seasons
There are deities according to the Chinese theories of Yin and Yang and the five elements. Some have taken a Japanese version, residing in the mountains around the old capital of Heijokyo, now Nara.
. Ganjin 鑑真 がんじん and temple Toshodai-ji 唐招提寺
. Hasedera Temple 長谷寺
. Mount Kaguyama 香具山 Ama no Kaguyama 天香久山 .
Three mountains of the Yamato plain 大和三山 Yamato Sanzan
. Kasuga Shrine Festivals 春日大社
. Migawari-zaru 身代わり申 of Naramachi
Monkey to ward off evil
. Nara mosquito net (KIGO)
. Nara uchiwa : round fan from Nara (KIGO)
. O-Mizutori, Omizutori, お水取り
Drawing Sacred Well Water
. Shotoku Taishi and Daruma
. Yakushi-Ji Temple 薬師寺

by Kawase Hasui
. WASHOKU . . . Local Dishes from Nara
Nara no Kyodo Ryori 奈良の郷土料理
Nara ... dried persimmons from Yamato 大和のつるし柿
. WASHOKU 奈良茶 Naracha
Nara and its Rice Gruel Tea Song ..
with a hokku by Matsuo Basho
Narazuke 奈良漬 Gourd pickles

Sentokun せんとくん the mascot of Nara
To mark the anniversary of 1.300 years of the ancient capital of Heijo-kyo in 2010
Reference about this controversial mascot

Inishie no Nara no miyako no Yae-zakura
Kyo kokonoe ni Nioi nuru kana
Eight-fold cherry flowers
That at Nara--ancient seat
Of our state--have bloomed,
In our nine-fold palace court
Shed their sweet perfume today.
61 - Lady Ise no Osuke 伊勢大輔
風そよぐ ならの小川の夕ぐれは
みそぎぞ夏の しるしなりける
Kaze soyogu Nara no ogawa no Yugure wa
Misogi zo natsu no Shirushi nari keru
To Nara's brook comes
Evening, and the rustling winds
Stir the oak-trees' leaves.
Not a sign of summer left
But the sacred bathing there.
98 - Junii Fujiwara no Ietaka 従二位家隆
. Ogura Hyakunin Isshu Poems 小倉百人一首 .
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .

source : itoyo/basho
kiku no ka ya Nara ni wa furuki hotoketachi
fragrance of chrysanthemums -
in Nara there are so many
old Buddha statues
This was written on the ninth day of the nineth lunar month, the festival of the chrysanthemums.
It shows a peaceful scene of the gentle faces of the Buddhas and the lovely fragrance of the chrysanthemums.
kiku no ka ya Nara wa ikuyo no otokoburi
fragrance of chrysanthemums -
the manly attitude of so many
men in Nara
. Chrysanthemum Festival (chooyoo 重陽) double nine .
. . . . . . . . . .
Nara nanae shichi doo garan yae-zakura
the seven buildings
of the temples in Nara -
double cherry blossoms
. Temples, Haiku and Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 .
. . . . . . . . . .

source : itoyo/basho
Departing from old friends at Nara
shika no tsuno mazu hito fushi no wakare kana
deer horns
developing their first branch:
our separation
Tr. Barnhill
This hokku has the cut marker KANA at the end of line 3.
Basho had met with some disciples from Iga Uneo: Ensui 猿雖, Kasaya Ichibei 卓袋, Baiken 梅軒, 梨雪 and 示蜂.
. Oi no Kobumi 笈の小文 .
MORE - about wakare, parting with friends -
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .
Masaoka Shiki wrote quite a few haiku about Nara,
mostly about the many temples of the town
yuku aki ya Nara wa furudera furubotoke
autumn is passing -
in Nara there are old temples
and old Buddha statues
nagaki hi no Nara wa ootera bakari nari
on this long day
there are only these large temples
of Nara . . .
shibugaki ya koji ooki Nara no machi
adstringend persimmons -
there are so many temples
in the town of Nara
teradera ni aki yuku Nara no tsukiyo kana
in the many temples of Nara
autumn is coming to an end -
this full moon night
Masaoka Shiki 正岡子規 visiting temples
below the knees of Daibutsu,
the usual darkness
under the summer woods
- Shared by Naotaka Uematsu -
Haiku Culture Magazine, 2013

夕されば 南大門の 蔭凉
summer evening -
the shade of Nandai-mon
is so cool
- Shared by Naotaka Uematsu -
Haiku Culture Magazine, 2013
. - - - Welcome to Edo 江戸 ! .
..... Edo and Kyoto, Capitals of Japan
"Blossom Capital" flourishing town (hana no miyako 花の都)
is an action to write a new poem
but alluding to a honka, original poem.
'honka-dori, honkadori ほんかどり【本歌取り】
. Folk Toys from Nara .
1 comment:
Matsuo Basho
kiku ni dete Nara to Naniwa wa yoi zukiyo
Naniwa is the old name of Osaka.
hokku about Naniwa
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