bunko ぶんこ【文庫】 a library
. . . . . a stationary box, tebunko 手文庫
. . . . . a collection of books
Bunko is now also used in names for museums.

osanago no bunko ni shimau koori kana
this small child
packs some ice
in his little box . . .
Kobayashi Issa
Tr. Gabi Greve

Kanazawa Bunko (金沢文庫)
is a private museum located in Kanazawa Ward, Yokohama, Japan. This museum features a private collection of traditional Japanese and Chinese art objects, which is made accessible to the general public.
The Kanazawa Bunko was originally a library, which it still is today primarily, but its collection also includes Japanese and Chinese art objects. It was one of the two most important centers of learning in medieval Japan, with Ashikaga Gakkō being the other. The library was opened in 1275 by Hōjō Sanetoki (1224-76), a grandson of Hōjō Yoshitoki, second regent of the Kamakura shogunate.
The art collection of the Kanazawa Bunko includes Kamakura portraits, calligraphy, Chinese and Japanese classics, Buddhist sutras, and Zen writings. It is housed in a building in the precincts of the temple Shōmyōji, though in a new building. The collection includes an eleven-headed Kannon (Goddess of Mercy), a Miroku, and other images designated as Important Cultural Properties.
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View of Kanazawa, Postcard
source : www.kanazawabunko.com/
Eisei Bunko Museum, Tokyo
Chinese Stone Buddhas of the Hosokawa Moritatsu Collection
道教三尊像...(どうきょうさんぞんぞう) Three Daoist Deities
如来坐像...(にょらいざぞう) Seated Nyorai Buddha
菩薩半跏像...(ぼさつはんかぞう) Seated Bosatsu
Chinese Relief Buddhas
(embossed(English), repousee(Francais))
from the Hosokawa Collection
細面・細身の形から唐初期より昔のものだろうと推定されている作品です。左側は細川家旧蔵 (h 15.4 x w 15.2cm) [拡大図版] 。かなりよく鍍金が残っています。・右はMOA美術館(熱海) [拡大図版] こちらの鍍金は少し不審ですが、本体はまともなものでしょう。 これらは、1930年代ごろに、同じものが、まとめて多数出土したもののようで、これ以外にも2点同じ型によるものがあります。 白鶴美術館 ・Harvard大学WinthlopCollection [拡大図版] に所蔵されてます。
Hosokawa Yusai and the
Armistice for the Sake of Poetry
by Carmen Sterba
Hosokawa Yusai was the only samurai who asked for an armistice, in the middle of battle, to save an irreplaceable commentary and his poetry collection.
Yusai, also known as Fujitaka, was not only a respected daimyo, but also a respected poet and the only living person at that time who was in possession of the hand-written poetry commentary and concordance to decipher the 600 year-old Collection of Poems Ancient and Modern (Kokinshu). It may be hard to believe how much Yusai's generals and Ishida's generals were concerned about the commentary with secret teachings for the first imperial anthology of waka poetry.
According to Museum Director Takeuchi Jun'ichi in his foreword to the Lords of the Samurai: The Legacy of a Daimyo Family: "In the midst of defending the castle, Yusai negotiated to have a portion of the Kokinshu denju [commentary] send with his poetry collection to [Prince Tomohito], by way of a specially dispatched 'armistice envoy'." Soon the prince handed the commentary to the emperor. It was most likely that these valuable possessions of the commentary, 21 hand-written imperial anthologies and a copy of The Tale of Genji were carried by oxen for the trip from the castle to the emperor in Kyoto and that a bodyguard of samurai accompanied them. Next, the emperor asked Yusai to surrender his castle, but he refused. At the end of this incident, the emperor issued an edit for peace and the battle at Tanabe Castle ended.
The Hosokawa Family Legacy and the Eisei-Bunko Museum
source : carmen-sterba.suite101.com

The Lineage of Culture-
The Hosokawa Family Eisei Bunko Collection
Exhibition at the Kyoto National Museum, Autumn 2011
This exhibition presents selected works that embody the history of this prestigious family.
Among the ruling class of Japan, the Hosokawa clan held its own in the realm of art. We hope you will enjoy the full scope of this collection’s allure through this exhibition.
source : www.kyohaku.go.jp
May 18, 2011
The Eisei-Bunko Museum (Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo) which preserves and exhibits the legacy of the cultural treasures of the Hosokawa Family, lords of the former Kumamoto domain, produced an application for iPad “Samurai Art - The Hosokawa Family Eisei Bunko Collection” with cooperation of CROSS BORDERS Inc. Japanese edition has been released on December 4, 2010, followed by English and French edition on May 18, 2011 on Apple App Store.
Japanese edition recorded third place in App Store download ranking at the best.
“Samurai Art - The Hosokawa Family Eisei Bunko Collection” serially introduces historically precious assets of Hosokawa Family including 8 national treasures and 31 important cultural properties with high digital image quality.
source : www.free-press-release

Goten Daruma 御殿だるま
mascot of Yanagizawa Bunko 柳沢文庫 Library
in honor of 柳澤吉保 Yanagizawa Yoshiyasu [1658 - 1714]
- quote
a Japanese samurai of the Edo period. He was an official in the Tokugawa shogunate and he was a favorite of the fifth shogun, Tokugawa Tsunayoshi.
He served Tsunayoshi from an early age, becoming his wakashu and eventually rose to the position of soba yōnin. He was the daimyo of the Kawagoe han, and later of the Kofu han; he retired in 1709.
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柳沢文庫 - 郡山城史跡・柳沢文庫保存会
source : www.mahoroba.ne.jp
. Goten 御殿 palace, mansion palatial residence .
. Shogun Tokugawa Tsunayoshi 徳川綱吉 . (1646 - 1709)
Tooyoo Bunko Tōyō Bunko 東洋文庫 Toyo Bunko
"Oriental Library", is Japan's largest Asian studies library and one of the world's five largest, located in Tokyo.
- Online Catalogue and Database - English -

Kakimori Bunko 柿衛文庫(かきもりぶんこ)
Kakimori Bunko is a museum- library for the Kakimori Collection,
one of the world's
three major collections of haiku poetry and painting.

Basho Exhibition 2009, at Kakimori Bunko
It was founded in November 1984.The collection itself was assembled by the late Professor Rihei Okada(1892-1982),an honorary citizen of Itami and authority on Japanese classical literature.
The museum -library is located at 2-chome Miyanomae,in the center of Itami.Occupying 851 square meters,it is designed to look like a Sake( Japanese rice wine ) distillery.
"Kakimori," in Japanese,means Gurdian of Persimmon Tree.
Professor Okada, who assembled the collection,lived in an old house inherited from ancestors who twenty-three generations had made sake.In his garden a persimmon tree which is over 350 years old is well known in Japan,because the famous poet,Rai San-yo once visited Itami,tasted fruit from the tree,and left a poem to honor the delicious persimmons.
The Kakimori Collection includes about 3500 books of haikai and haiku and about 3500 original writings and paintings by Basho, Buson, Onitsura,and others. It covers four centuries of haiku history from medieval times to the modern day, incruding excellent examples by Rai San-yo and others men of letters who visited Itami. The collection is a unique and invaluable treasure of both Japanese art and literature.
The other two large collections are
Shachiku-Chikurei Bunko 洒竹・竹冷文庫 of Tokyo University
Wataya Bunko 綿屋文庫 of Tenri Library.
5-20,2-chome Miyanomae,Itami,Hyogo,Japan 664-0895
source : kakimori_bunko/english
"The Letter Series 3, Bashō and His Disciples" 手紙シリーズ
芭蕉とその門人; October 10 to December 23, 2015
A short list of items on exhibit,
including Bashō's "furu-ike ya" tansaku written by himself:
芭蕉筆木因宛書簡 三月二十六日付
許六筆支考宛書簡 七月廿日付
杉風筆大嶋蓑里宛書簡 十一月二日付
- http://www.kakimori.jp/2015/11/post_206.php -

teikin no oorai taga bunko yori kesa no haru
a letter sample
from a simple stationary box -
New Year's morning
Tr. Gabi Greve
Teikin Oorai 庭訓往来 textbooks of the Edo period:
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .
Tēkin no ōrai / ta ga bunko yori / kesa no haru
Matsuo Basho
Aizen Myo-O exhibition
金沢文庫・特別展 「愛と怒りのほとけ愛染明王」
Kanazawa Bunko Exhibition
- 大鏡山 Daikyozan 南蔵院 Nanzo-In 薬師寺 Yakushi-Ji
豊島区高田1-19-16 / 1 Chome-19-16 Takada, Toshima ward
This temple was founded in 1691 by 覚彦浄厳律師 Kakugen Jogon (1639 - 1702), who was a protegee of the influential Shogunate advisor, 柳沢吉保 Yanagizawa Yoshiyasu.
haribunko shi 張文庫師 craftsman making small trunks for books
bunko 文庫 were small boxes to store paper and small things, sometimes books.
They were made from wood or bamboo.
The craftsmen who were covering these boxes with paper were the haribunko shi 張文庫師.
In the Shelter of the Pine: A Memoir of Yanagisawa Yoshiyasu and Tokugawa Japan >
Ōgimachi Machiko. Translated by G. G. Rowley
松蔭日記 (also written 松陰日記)
Ōgimachi Machiko 正親町町子 (1679?-1724)
Columbia University Press, 2021
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