Izumo Kaido, The Old Trade Road of Izumo
. . . . . . . 出雲街道

“出雲路” と 縁結び
The Old Road of Izumo, connecting Himeji in Sanyoo 山陽 (former Harima 播磨 province) at the Inland Sea with Matsue and further to Izumo in San-In 山陰 at the Sea of Japan. This old trade road had 21 stations and was about 220 km long.
Izumo is the site of the famous shrine of olden times, Izumo Taisha 出雲大社. Nearby, in Hi no Misaki (Hinomisaki), the gods used to fish the Japanese islands out of the sea. A pilgrimage to Izumo was very popular in the Edo period.
And the Feudal Lords with their large entourage used this road on their yearly obligatory visits to the capital of Edo. At the distance of one RI ( 2.44 miles) ther was a special stone marker (distance marker, milestsone, ichiri zuka, ichirizuka 一里塚).
The area around Izumo had a lot of metal, silver and iron, which was transported along parts of this road for further distribution in Japan.
The old records of Izumo, Izumo Fudoki are quite famous for portraying the area.
Izumo Fudoki (Izumo Fuudoki 出雲風土記)
natsu no hate koshikaketeiru ichirizuka
summer's end
I am sitting
on the milestone
岡本久一 Okamoto Kyuichi
Tr. Fay Aoyagi
. My visit to Hinomisaki 日御碕 .
source : kabuki ningyo

Himeji 姫路
- - - Himeji Castle 姫路城

Daruma Dolls from Himeji
飾西宿 Shikisai
觜崎宿 Hashisaki
Senbon 千本宿
The official lodging at this postal station. Honjin 千本宿本陣

相坂峠 Aisaka Toge Pass
Mikazuki Han Jinya 三日月藩陣屋
Hyogo Prefecture
The official lodging house of Mikazuki Town

The bridge leading to the compound 通用御門橋
Sayo and Hirafuku
Sayoo 佐用宿 Sayo
平福宿 Hirafuku

Mimasaka, Doi Juku 美作市土居宿
Crossing the pass of Man no Tawa, the traveller reaches Doi.
The postal station town of Doi is trying to revive the rather dull village.
Here is an extra report about my visit on December 2006.
Read my detailed story here !

The Pass Sugisaka 杉坂峠
Mimasaka, Temple Buppo-Ji (buppoo ji) 仏法寺
This temple is famous for its huge gingko tree.
It also features a Kannon preventing from Alzheimer and a Jizo who cares for children lost before birth.

Read my detailed story here !
Emi 江見宿
Katsumata 勝間田宿
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Mimasaka, Kasagake no Mori [美作市] 笠掛の森
Kasakake no Mori ( かさかけのもり )

The legend of this old tree goes back to the year 1331 and the famous Emperor Go-Daigo.
Tsuyama Town 津山市
Eastern Castle Compound 城東地区
Western Castle Compound 城西地区
Daruma from Tsuyama
In no Shoo 院庄宿
Takano Shrine, Takano Jinja 高野神社
Sakura Jinja 作楽神社
Nirami-ai no Matsu にらみ合いの松
Kume 久米
Kifune Shrine Kume 貴布弥(きふね)神社(奥御前神社) .
. Plum Park in Kume 久米の梅公園 .
. Kume ningyoo 久米人形 dolls from Kume village .
Tsuboi 坪井宿
Hirai 坪井宿
Ochiai 落合
Kuse 久世宿

Katsuyama 勝山宿
fomer Takada, Takata 高田宿

Read my article HERE !
Mikamo 美甘宿
Shinjo 新庄宿と四十曲峠
Shinjo is now famous for its cherry blossoms along the old road.
From Shinjo, the road crosses a steep pass and into Tottori Prefecture.
Itaibara 板井原宿
Now almost deserted, with a steep brook.
A bit further down is the famous shrine of
KAMOCHI 金持 (かもち)
Ne-U Machi, Neumachi 根雨宿
Famous for dealing in iron. Now a rather modern town.

Daruma Museum:
Metal Manufacturing in the Izumo region
Nibu, Sanbu 二部宿、三部宿
Famous for its iron trade.
Mizoguchi 溝口宿
From here you have a beautiful view to Mt. Daizen, the Fuji of Tottori prefecture.
An Overview of my visits
Yonago Castle Town 米子城下町
Situated at the Sea of Japan
Yasugi 安来宿
The mile stone at this town.

Matsue Castle Town 松江城下
Matsue and Fujieda Daruma :
Lafcadio Hearn (Koizumi Yagumo) and Matsue
Hirata-cho, Izumo City 出雲市平田の町
. Cotton Road (momen kaidoo 木綿街道)
............................... FINALLY
Izumo 出雲郷宿
. Izumo taisha 出雲大社 Izumo Grand Shrine .
Okuni-Nushi no Mikoto 大国主命 Okuninushi no Mikoto
and the Buddhist version as Daikoku Ten 大黒天
. kawari usagi 「変りウサギ」 all kinds of rabbits .
at 出雲大社 Izumo Grand Shrine
To celebrate sunrise, 日が昇る, prayers are sent to
. Ise Jingu 伊勢神宮 Ise Grand Shrine .
Amaterasu Omikami is a deity in charge of all things that humans can see.
To celebrate sunset, 日が沈む, prayers are sent to
Izumo taisha 出雲大社 Grand Shrine at Izumo
. kami mukae 神迎 Welcoming the Deities at Izumo .
and Hinomisaki Shrine 日御碕神社 close by at the beach.
Okuninushi (Daikoku) is a deity in charge of all things that humans can not see, especially relationships and feelings.
目に見えない世界 - 神事(かくれたること)
- quote
Hinomisaki Shrine
is located about 8km north of Izumo Taisha Grand Shrine. The carvings of the main hall and other places are beautiful sculptures of traditional subjects such as dragons and tigers, cranes and tortoises and pines, bamboos. The vermillion-lacquered shrine is designated as a nationally important cultural property.
Izumo Hinomisaki lighthouse
stands 43.65 meters high near Hinomisaki Shrine. It is the highest stone masonry lighthouse in Japan and registered among the top 100 historic lighthouses of the world. You will be able to enjoy the panoramic view of the Japan Sea from the top of the lighthouse.
There is a small uninhabited island called Fumishima
about 100 meters off the coast near the Hinomisaki Shrine. The island is the object of worship, and nobody is allowed to land except a Shinto priest. The island is well-known as the breeding site of black-tailed gull and has been designated a natural monument.
455 Hinomisaki, Taisha-cho, Izumo City, Shimane
- source : www.houki-town.jp
Izumo Fudoki (Izumo Fuudoki 出雲風土記)
Records of Ancient Izumo, 733
Izumo Road of Hiroshima Prefecture
Funo Juku 布野宿
The Izumo Road has been a main route in the Chugoku Mountain region from ancient times. During the Edo era, the inhabitants of Akana transported their tax quota of silver and copper from the Omori silver mine to Funo via this route.
During the Meiji and Taisho eras, this road was bustling with carts coming and going between Miyoshi 三次 and Akana 赤穴(あかな).
source : www.hiroshima-bunka.jp
Names of the Old Provinces of Japan
出雲街道 Pumpkin, vol 1 and following
.. From Matsue down to San-In 旧山陰道
西国街道: 廿日市から大野浦まで
Old Towns of All of Japan 町並みリスト
There is also an old road from Himeji (Harima 播磨) to Inaba
(いなば【因幡】) in Eastern Tottori.
Inaba derived from Inaba 稲葉.
The old name of the province was also Inshuu 因州(いんしゅう)。
Inaba Kaido 因播街道
Inaba Yakushi 因幡薬師, Inaba Yakushi Nyorai Hall
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
. Folk Toys from Japan : Tottori .
Many thank you Gabi san
Izumo-kaido .. Such a wonderful ginko !
I hope to visit someday with you,It is my dream.
I visited Saba-kaido on Haruno-ginko trip last month.
It was sea foods road to Kyoto from Wakasa Japanese sea aria.
There are many historical road in Japan.
Enjoy Japanese history.
jookamachi, joukamachi 城下町
Jokamachi, castle town
Tsuyama Town Festivals
At the Saikū Historical Museum 斎宮歴史博物館 in Mie Prefecture, special exhibition,
"Ancient Izumo--Its limitless attractions"
to November 13, 2016 平成28年10月8日(土曜)から11月13日
Kaido: The Ancient Highways and Roads of Japan
Tojo Orai, Tōjō ōrai 東城往来 Tojo Roads
Many roads starting at the town of Tojo (広島県庄原市東城町 Hiroshima, Shobara city, Jojo town)
Tojo Kaido 東城街道 Tojo Highway was the name used for roads leading to Tojo.
Roads leading away from the side of the Setonaikai were also called
雲州街道 Unshu Kaido(出雲街道 Izumo Kaido)
雲州道 Unshu no Michi / 雲州路 Unshu-Ji
Legend from Shimane, Hinomisaki
Ryuta sama 竜蛇さま
This 白蛇 small white serpent named Ryuta Sama is venerated at the Shrine 佐太神社 Sada Jinja, at Izumo Taisha 出雲大社 the Great Shrine at Izumo and at 日御碕神社 the Shrine of Hinomisaki.
It is the messenger of ryuuoo 竜王 Ryu-O the Dragon King.
Before Ryuta Sama comes, the weather turns bad and a storm comes.
The fisherman who catched the Ryuta will become rich.
Iya Jinja 揖夜神社 Iya Shrine, Shimane
島根県松江市東出雲町揖屋 / Shimane, Matsue, Iya, Higashi-Izumocho
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