Mitoku San, Temple Sanbutsu-Ji
Nage-ire doo 投入堂(なげいれどう)Nageiredo
"Temple Hall thrown into the cliffs"
akibare ya Zao Gongen no yama ni iri

bright autumn day -
entering the mountain of
Zao Gongen
Zao Gongen 蔵王権現 is the main deity venerated at this tempel.
Zao Gongen, The God of Shugendô
and the statues at Temple Sanbutsu-Ji, Mitokusan.
mountain temple -
the powerful god all ready
to go
History of the temple:

Click on the photo to get to the enlargement. Takes a while to upload.
One day, the eager mountain ascetic En no Gyooja (円の行者)threw three lotus petals in the air and vowed to establish temples on the ground where they fell.
One landed in Yoshino, one landed in Ishizuchi Mountain (Shikoku) and one, well, you guess, here in Mitoku Mountain! That was way back in the year 706 !
This year 2006, on the third Sunday in October, the great celebration of 1300 years is held. The renewal of the famous Nage-ire Doo is also celebrated. Mountain ascetics walk through the glowing ambers on that day.
Look at the Poster !
Quote from Outdoor Japan:
By Lee Dobson
The shrine, established in 709, is home to an obscure little building known as Nagereidou or Oku no in 奥の院 (depends on who you ask) perched high upon the mountain and set into the rock face.
The fact that it faces north, and receives no direct sunlight, means that it pretty looks the same as it did some 1,300 years ago (in 2006 it will celebrate its 1300th birthday) when it was constructed. No one is quite sure who built it, or how it was built, but a climb up there will confirm just how difficult it must have been, as the last 20 odd meters involves hauling yourself up the rock face by chain.
On the last Sunday of October the shrine is host to an annual Yamabushi fire walking festival. At this time the usual 500 yen entry fee is waived, and you can climb to the shrine for free. You can also enjoy the priest’s usual faire of rice porridge and vegetables, and wash it down with a cup of sake warmed in long pieces of bamboo over an open fire. It’s also non-gratis, but any donation you care to make is gratefully accepted.
For 500 yen you can take off your shoes and participate in the ritual (which begins off at 1:00PM) and follow the monks and the yamabushi as they walk barefoot over the flames. The act offers purification and protection. The shrine (the entire mountain is actually a shrine) is a National Treasure of Japan and is currently being considered for inclusion as a World Heritage site.
Impressions from my visit on October 4, 2006:
Greeting the Mountain at the Great Gate (torii)
The Large Rosary
Stone Lanters and figures in the temple ground
Photos from here to # 32
mountain temple -
a prayer overgrown
with moss
Look at my MOSS haiku from this temple
Zodiac Animals and Jizo at Rinkoo-In
bright autumn day -
listening to the silence
of stones growing older
Silence of Listening ... LOOK !
Many small stone statues at the feet of the huge wall.

Photos from here to # 36
Details of the Six-Sided Nyorai Stele at the Temple
rokunyorai no rokumentoo 六如来の六面塔
The final climb:
After registering at the entrance and being lectured on the difficulty of the path, with chains to cling to, climbing on all four legs, not allowed a stick because you need your hands free ... Bernd took off by himself.
There is also a monorail now for transporting the material for repairing the hall.
The famous "Hall that was thrown into the cliff", Nage-ire Doo 投入堂

Photos from here to # 67

source : kazumi on facebook
at 不動院岩屋堂 Fudo-In Iwaya-Do Hall
An amazing mountain temple indeed.
秋雨や 蔵王権現の 山を出る
autumn rain -
leaving the mountain of
Zao Gongen
Nageire-Do and Poetry Japanese only: 新古今和歌集
More of my articles on the subject
Zao Gongen, En no Gyooja and Yoshino Mountain
Ichizuchiyama, a holy mountain in Shikoku四国の石鎚山
Shugendoo and En no Gyooja
External LINKS
Mitokusan National Treasures
Our next temple at this autumn tour:
Oohirayama Konpira-In Temple 大平山 金毘羅院
and even a
Short visit to China, Encho En Park 燕趙園
and one kigo for haiku from Misasa Hot Spring (三朝温泉) at the foot of Mount Mitoku San.
. Misasa tsunahiki 三朝綱引(みささつなひき)
Tug-of-war at Misasa

amulet for strong legs - Buddhs's footprints
仏足跡 錫杖御守 足腰健康
Just the right thing for the climb up the mountain !
. Buddha's Footprints ー Bussokuseki 仏足石 .
Last sunday in October is the great
Fire Ritual 炎の祭典
Every month on the 18th there is a special fire ritual where seasonal rice gruel (kayu) is served.
Homepage of the temple
source : www.mitokusan.jp/
. Amulets and Talismans from Japan - Tottori .
(2007年11月14日 読売新聞)
The three famous "Nage-Ire Do" "Hall thrown into a cliff"
大分県宇佐郡 龍岩寺 Ryugan-ji, Oita,
大分県宇佐市院内町大門290−2 - Oita, Usa district
Iwayadoo 不動院岩屋堂 Fudo-In Iwaya-Do
Iwayado, Wakasa, Yazu District
HERE is the Fudo
三朝温泉 Misasa Hot Spring
. Myoken 妙見菩薩 Myoken Bosatsu - 妙見大菩薩 Myoken Daibosatsu .
In the year 1164 a retainer of Minamoto no Yoshitomo named 大久保左馬之祐王家 Okubo went to Mount Mitoku san to pray for the country. On the way he met 白狼 a white wolf, messenger of Myoken San 妙見山 and helped him in distress. At night Myoken Daibosatsu appeared in his dream. He told Okubo that there was a holy spot at the roots of the old camphor tree 老楠. Myoken would pass this on to Okubo if he helped to save people with it.
When Okubo looked the next day, he found the well of a hot spring . . . that was the beginning of Misasa Onsen.
Sanbutsuji 三佛寺 Sanbutsu-Ji, Honmura
鶴峰山 Kakureizan 即相院 Sosoku-In 三佛寺 Sanbutsuji
神奈川県横浜市旭区本村町76 / Kanagawa, Yokohama city, Asahi ward, Honmura town
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