Sakamoto Ryoma (Sakamoto Ryuma)

龍馬ダルマぐい呑み Sake cup from hinoki cypress wood,
named Ryoma Daruma
Sakamoto Ryōma 坂本 龍馬, Sakamoto Ryooma
(January 3, 1836 – 10 December 1867)
was a leader of the movement to overthrow the Tokugawa shogunate during the Bakumatsu period in Japan. Ryōma used the alias Saitani Umetarō (才谷梅太郎, Saitani Umetarō) as a cover name during his work to keep Japan united in the creation of a modern government which would allow his country to join the rest of the world which was in a colonizing mode, while keeping its own sovereignty intact.
His family in previous generations had acquired enough wealth as sake brewers to purchase the rank of merchant samurai, which was the lowest rank in the samurai social hierarchy.
By the time he reached adulthood he was a master swordsman.
He supported the Sonnō jōi (‘revere the Emperor and expel the barbarians’) political philosophy.
While a ronin, Ryōma decided to assassinate Katsu Kaishū, a high-ranking official in the Tokugawa shogunate and a supporter of both modernization and westernization. However, Katsu Kaishū managed to persuade Ryōma of the futility of fighting the western powers given Japan's present state and of the necessity of a long-term plan to increase Japan’s military strength. Instead of killing Katsu Kaishū, Ryōma ended up working as his assistant and protégé.
Ryōma is often regarded as the "father of the Imperial Japanese Navy,"
He founded Ryōma the private navy and trading company Kameyama shachuu (亀山社中).
Later Kameyamashachū became Kaientai (海援隊).
Ryōma was assassinated at the age of 33 (according to the old lunar calendar he was born on 15 November 1835 and killed on his birthday in 1867) at the Ōmiya inn in Kyoto.
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Another important person of this time was
. Iwasaki Yataro 岩崎弥太郎 Iwasaki Yatarō .
(1834 - 1885)
... a Japanese financier and shipping industrialist, and the founder of Mitsubishi 三菱.
Sakamoto Ryoma is the great hero of Tosa.
He also lived and later died in Kyoto, where Ryoma Sushi is prepared in Fujimi.
There are other food items in his name, for example local sake.
. . . CLICK here for Photos of
Ryoma Goods ”竜馬グッズ” !
Sakamoto Ryuma (wrong spelling), Sakamoto Ryooma 坂本竜馬

So later he choose to wear boots. He was fond of photography and had many photos taken of himself and his friends.
. . . CLICK here for Photos of
Ryoma Boots 龍馬ブーツ!
The Legend of Ryoma at NHK 2010
Ryomaden NHK 大河ドラマ: 龍馬伝

. . . CLICK here for Photos of sake 龍馬伝 !
Brewed for the year 2010 in memory of Ryoma.

龍馬せんべい Ryoma Senbei

坂本龍馬 晩酌セット Set for the Evening Drink
Click for more photos
Food in memory of Ryoma
Ryooma baagaa 龍馬バーガー Ryoma burger
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Ryooma biiru 龍馬ビール beer named Ryoma
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
. . . . . Beer from Sapporo 竜馬」ビール. サッポロビール
. . . CLICK here for Sapporo can beer Photos !
Ryoomadon, Ryooma don 龍馬丼
Rice bowl wit egg, named Ryoma
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Ryooma ga yuku 龍馬がゆく Sweets
お菓子 bun with a milk flavored filling
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Ryooma manjuu 一口龍馬饅頭 hitokuchi Ryooma manjuu
one bite Ryoma Manju sweets
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Ryooma raamen 龍馬ラーメン Ryoma Noodle Soup
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Ryoma loved this ! 龍馬が愛した Ryoma ga aishita ...

Rice that Ryoma loved 龍馬が愛したお米

Coffee that Ryoma loved 龍馬が愛した珈琲
Nagasaki Ryoma Coffee 長崎龍馬珈琲
. . . CLICK here for Photos of more things he liked !
sabazushi in memory of Sakamoto Ryoma
Tosa and Sakamoto Ryoma
with more food items
There are quite a few statues of Ryoma in many towns in Japan.

Ryoomazoo mitsumeru saki no kumo no mine
statue of Ryoma ...
he seems to stare at
the billowing clouds
Irikura Chie 入倉智恵
Music of the NHK drama about Ryoma
source : www.youtube.com
Thomas Blake Glover トーマス グラバー
(6 June 1838 – 13 December 1911)
A famous Scottish weapon dealer in Nagasaki. His estate is now a museum, it is the first western-style building in Japan.
Thomas Glover went bankrupt in 1870, but he stayed in Japan to manage the Takashima coal mine after the Restoration for the mine's Dutch owners until it was taken over by the Meiji government. In 1881, the mine was acquired by Iwasaki Yataro.
Glover was a key figure in the industrialisation of Japan, helping to found the shipbuilding company, which was later to become the Mitsubishi Corporation of Japan.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
He stayed in Japan (1859–1911)
Glover House known as Ipponmatsu (Single Pine Tree)
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. Folk Toys from Kochi and Tosa .
excellent. Thank you.
Sakamoto Ryoma is one of my favorite figures from Japanese history. I even did a web page on him.
I've been enjoying watching The Legend of Ryoma on Taiga Drama every Sunday. The star, Fukuyama Masaharu, looks a lot like the real Ryoma.
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