. Anzan o-Mamori, 安産お守り Amulets for Safe Delivery .
- Introduction -
Suitengu 水天宮 Shrine for the Water God
Suiten 水天 God of Water

source : doushu23
Suitenguu 水天宮 Shrine of the Water God
東京都中央区日本橋蛎殻町二丁目4番1号 Tokyo
It features the mask of a Lucky Kappa, a water goblin, called
Fuku-Taroo 河童は、福を呼ぶ.
Sometimes, even a Kappa is some form of Suijinsama.
This is an amulet against water damage, fire and avoiding all evil.

. Kappa 河童 <> The Water Goblin .
- The Kappapedia -
Kappa and Haiku
Kappa ki 河童忌 Kappa Memorial Day, Akutagawa Ryunosuke
There are many Suitengu shrines all over Japan, but this one in Tokyo is most famous, and the one in Kurume, Fukuoka, is the head shrine

In 1818, a branch of the original Suiten-gu Shrine in Kurume City, Fukuoka, was built in Edo (present day Tokyo), but it was moved to its present location in Nihombashi around 1872. This shrine embodies the Water Deity who brings smooth delivery of babies, protects children, and protects against drowning (安産・子授ける).
Like other Suiten-gu Shrines, it holds it annual spring festival on May 5th, which is its busiest day of the year. Benzaiten (the Buddhist goddess of fortune), is honored here as well. She is one of Japan's Seven Deities of Good Fortune. This shrine is also one of the sites on a local pilgrimage to the seven.
Another attraction of this shrine is its "Dog Deity," said to grant easy child delivery to those who touch it. Some say it embodies Oinari-sama, the god of rice and agriculture, whose messenger is the fox.
Suitengū Shrines 水天宮
Devoted to the Deity of Water, known as Suijin or Suiten or Mizu no Kamisama. This Shintō deity, often a goddess, protects not only fishermen but also serves as the patron saint of fertility, motherhood, and easy childbirth. She is mostly worshipped at "Suitengū" shrines throughout Japan, and votive stone markers devoted to her can be found frequently in the countryside. The Suitengū Shrine in Kurume (Fukuoka) is the main shrine of all Suitengū Shrines in Japan.
- Mark Schumacher -

Women come here on the day of the dog (inu no hi 戌の日) to pray.
omamori 水天宮 久留米 お守り amulet with special letters
It is printed on very thin paper.

You have to carefully tear out the middle character, put it in your mouth, make a wish and swallow it with water.
That way your body will be even closer to the Deity.
For more wishes, you have to tear out the other characters in the given order:

It is also used if you do not feel well or a child is ill. Sawllowing one letter will bring healing.
It represents the Siddhaṃ script of old sanskrit letters.
Suitengu is a shrine located in the neighborhood of Ningyocho where you can still capture the atmosphere of Shitamachi (old Tokyo).
The shrine pavilion with its striking curving roof was built in 1967, using an architectural style known as "Gongen-zukuri". It has been gathering place for worship as the God of safe childbirth and blessing of pregnancy has resided here since the time of Edo period. Prayer for "Anzan Kigan," hoping for the safety of mother and safe birth of a baby, and "Kosazuke Kigan" for having children are mainly conducted. There are always many worshipping of couples and their families praying for safe childbirth and pregnancy blessings, paying a visit of thanks, and providing baby's first shrine visit both on weekdays and weekends.
source : www.japan-i.jp

Deity in residence
. Amenominakanushi no kami 天之御中主神 .
Ame no minaka nushi no kami / 天御中主神
. Antoku Tenno 安徳天皇 .
Ame no Mikumari no Kami 天之水分神
Kuni no Mikumari no Kami 国之水分神
Prayers for a safe delivery, protection from water damage and other catastrophies.

Amulet set with a bit of rice, cake, and an ema votive tablet with a dog

ko sazuke 子授御守 amulet for getting pregnant
This amulet must be worn on the body by husband and wife,
with daily prayers.

kodakara no ishi 子宝石 stone to get pregnant
This stone must be put on the shelf of the gods (kamidana) for daily prayers.
Put on a pink cushion, it can also be placed in the bedroom, with a prayer every evening.
misuzu obi 御子守帯 (みすゞおび)

Before praying a bell is hit to call the deities down to hear the prayer of the mother-to-be. 鈴の緒

obi iwai 帯祝い amulet for a safe pregnancy
a belly binding ritual, buy a stomach band, bellyband
In the fifth month of a pregnancy, on the day of the dog (according to the lunar calendar) women go to a special shrine or temple to get this amulet and a bandage to wrap around the body. Usually the mother buys it for her pregnant daughter.

... in her fifth month of pregnancy and on Inu-no-hi (戌の日 / Day of the Dog), the mum-to-be will perform the Obi-iwai. She will bind her tummy with the cotton sash to ensure safe and easy delivery of her child.
Interestingly, dog seems to play a big part in the sash-binding ritual. Mostly because of the belief that mummy-dogs give birth to little puppies with ease and hardly any complication. So the doggy days are considered auspicious days to do the bellyband ceremony.
More about pregnancy rituals:
source : blackcabbit.wordpress.com

ema votive tablet with Benten

fuku ema to bring good luck 福絵馬 and to ward off evil

mi naru kane 巳なる金 (みなるかね)
serpent to get money
Sold at the Benten Shrine in the compound. The servant of Benzaiten is the serpent.
This is a pun with the word MI (serpent, to bring fruit)
More amulets from the shrine:
source : www.suitengu.or.jp
Yanagawa Okinohata Suitengu 柳川市沖端水天宮

see below
. The Water God Suijin-sama 水神様 .
. Three Female Deities of Water.
The Munakata Shrine Cult - 宗像大社
. Mikumari Jinja 御子守神社 and
Mikomori Myōjin 御子守明神. .
Komori Myōjin 子守明神, Mikomori Sannyoshin 御子守三女神
Female deities to protect the mothers.
. Anzan Daruma from the Suitengu Shrine .
Kosazuke 子授けお守り amulets for pregnancy
. Shrine Tamaki Jinja 玉置神社 .
Nara prefecture
kigo for early summer
. Suitenguu Matsuri 水天宮祭 Festival at Suitengu shrines .
柳川水天宮祭 festival at Shrine Suitengu in Yanagawa, Fukuoka
Okinohata Suitengu Festival 沖の端水天宮祭り
(May 13 - 15) 沖端水天宮祭り

kigo for mid-winter
osame no Suitengu 納の水天宮 (おさめのすいてんぐう)
last visit to the Suitengu shrine
December 5
This is the last of the monthly prayer days (ennichi 縁日) for the year. A great fair is held and many visitors come to the shrine.
Suitengu osame mairi no ame to nari
Shrine Suitengu -
on the last visit of the year
it is raining
Kayama san 加山穂渓
kigo for the New Year
Hatsu Suitenguu 初水天宮 (はつすいてんぐう)
first visit to the Shrine Suitengu

. The Water God 水神様 Suijin-sama .
. Festivals, Ceremonies, Rituals - SAIJIKI .
. Amulets and Talismans from Japan .
kappa no men 河童面 Kappa masks
Kappa Jinja 河童神社 Kappa Shinto Shrines
in the Kappapedia
- omamori お守り amulets to protect from water accidents -
kappayoke, kappa yoke 河童除け / カッパ除け
amulets to ward off evil influence of a kappa
mizuyoke 水難除け amulets to ward off water accidents
At the Suitengu in Kurume, Fukuoka
There are a lot of legends about Kappa fighting the humans in the area of the Chikugo river 筑後川. But in the end the humans won and 九千坊河童 Kusengbo Kappa became the protector deity at this Suitengu Shrine.
So there are some prescriptions for the Shrine worshippers to prevent water accidents.
Kappa amulets
東京下町八社巡り Pilgrimage to 8 Shrines in Shitamachi
安産子授け Getting pregnant and easy birth
. Suitengu 水天宮 Shrine for the Water God .
中央区日本橋蛎殻町2-4-1 -- 2 Chome-4-1 Nihonbashi Kakigarachō, Chūō ward
----- Deities in residence :
天御中主大神 Ame no Minakanushi no Ookami
安徳天皇 Antoku Tenno and his mother, 建礼門院 Kenreimon-In
二位ノ尼 Nii no Ama - Taira no Tokiko (1126 - 1185)
Legend from Nagano Minami-Saku
The youngest child of a craftsman was bewitched by a fox. It begun to eat horse droppings and mimizu ミミズ earthworms, and then got lost.
The father got an amulet from 水天宮 the Shrine Suitengu, tore it to pieces and let it float down the river. When it stopped floating, they found the child.
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