Gable, gables 破風 hafu

Also written 搏風. Also called hafu-ita 破風板.
A bargeboard. Straight or curved boards laid flat against the ridge ends and purlin ends on the gable sides of a building. They are finishing members in the gables of gable roof *kirizuma yane 切妻屋根 or hip-and-gable roof *irimoya yane 入母屋屋根.
They form a triangular space called the gable pediment tsumagawa 妻側. The apex formed by the joining of two bargeboards are called *hafuogami 破風拝. The bottoms of each bargeboard is called *hafu kojiri 破風木尻. The middle part is called koshi 腰 meaning hip, waist or haunch.
chidori hafu 千鳥破風,
sugaruhafu 縋破風,
irimoya hafu 入母屋破風,
chigi 千木,
aori hafu 障泥破風
source : jaanus

karahafu, kara hafu, kara-hafu 唐破風 "Chinese Gable"
An undulating bargeboard.
The shape of a karahafu flows downward from the top center with convex-curves on each side. As the roof descends the curves change direction and form concave curves that level off at the ends or turn upward to varying degrees. The lower center edge, just about where the concave curves begin has a large board that is sometimes cusped *ibara 茨.
Occasionally a gable pendant *gegyo 懸魚 is hung at the center top and called by its special name *unokedooshi 兎毛通. All the rafters curve to the same degree as the bargeboard. They are called ibaradaruki 茨垂木.
The miniature shrine *Zushi 厨子 in the *Shouryouin 聖霊院 (ca 1278) at Houryuuji 法隆寺, Nara, is believed to be the oldest extant example of karahafu.
The karahafu appeared during the Heian period and is depicted on the picture scrolls of the period as being used for corridors, gates and palanquins.
The term kara 唐 can be translated as meaning 'China' it may instead have connoted elegance and noble appearance. When the undulating gable is used at eave ends it is called nokikarahafu 軒唐破風. It appears above entrances to temple buildings, as gable ends on gates called *hirakaramon 平唐門 and when placed over a gateway entrance parallel to the ridge munagi 棟木, it is called mukaikaramon 向唐門.
Undulating gables are used on the front of a step-canopy *kouhai 向拝.
source : jaanus
kara hafu no irihi ya usuki yuu suzumi
on the Chinese gable
the setting sun ... growing faint:
evening cool
Tr. Barnhill
Upon a Tang-style gable
The weak light of the setting sun -
Pleasant evening cool.
Tr. Nelson / Saito
Written 1629、元禄5年6月. Basho age 49
After a hot summer day Basho is slowly beginning to enjoy some evening coolness.
This hokku has the cut marker YA in the middle of line 2.
There is also another version
hafuguchi no higake ya yowaru yuu suzumi
at the end of the gable
sunlight - weakening
in the evening cool
Tr. Barnhill
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .

source : kankodori.net
evening sun on the Chinese Gate of shrine Toyokuni Jinja
Masaoka Shiki 正岡子規 visiting Large Temples :
daiji no hafu miyuru nari natsu kodachi
I look at the gables
of this big temple -
trees in summer
. Daiji, ootera, oodera 大寺 large temple .
akikaze ya hiuo kaketaru hamabisashi
autumn wind -
fish hung to dry
from the eaves of a beach houses
Tr. Gabi Greve
akebono no yane ni ya no tatsu nowaki kana
At the crack of dawn,
An arrow stuck in your roof-
A wild wind blowing.
Yosa Buson
(An arrow in the roof has two meanings.
First, it is a metaphorical way of saying, 'as quick as a wink', or 'a bolt out of the blue'.
The second comes from a legend that when the gods needed a young girl as their sacrificial victim they showed their choice by sticking an arrow with white feathers in the roof of a house.)
source : terebess.hu/english
. WKD : Yosa Buson 与謝蕪村 in Edo .
. Demon Gable Tiles, Onigawara 鬼瓦 .
. Amulets and Talismans from Japan .
ibaradaruki 茨垂木
are curved rafters that have points that can be seen under the eaves of a gate or entrance which has an undulating bargeboard. These rafters are also called wadaruki 輪垂木. Even the vertical sides of the bracket arm *hijiki 肘木, on the Hokkiji *Sannjuu-no-tou 法起寺三重塔 (706) in Nara, for example, have slightly inward curves that form points referred to as ibara.
ibara 茨
The point where two curved lines or forms meet. The junction point of the right and left sides of an undulating bargeboard karahafu 唐破風. The term loosely used has taken on the meaning of any pointed part within a curvilinear form. Occasionally, it is used to refer to curvilinear forms that are cusped but do not have points.
zushi 厨子 miniatur shrine
With Fudo Myo-O
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