
- Various Topics


Various Topics about Japan

© Japanese Art in the WIKIPEDIA !


..................... Buddhist Ritual Implements

Ritual Decorations (shoogongu) 荘厳具 including:
Banner (ban)
Canopy (tengai) 天蓋
Flower Garlands (keman) 華鬘

"Dragon wheel, dragon vehicle" ryuusha, ryusha 竜車, 竜舎 The top of a pagoda, soorin 相輪

Food Offerings and Bowls  (onjiki kuyoo 飲食 供養) onjiki ki 飲食器
Begging Bowls, Bettelschale

Kanshitsu 乾漆 dry laquer technique Trockenlack verfahren

Sutra, Sutras, Buddhist scriptures (kyoo, o-kyoo お経) Japan
Hanya Shingyo 般若心経 Heart Sutra and more


. . . . . Other Articles

Ama 尼 Buddhist Nun

Apsaras, Heavenly Maidens (tennyo 天女)

Butsuzoo ... 仏像... Introducing Japanese Deities
Byakudo 白道 The White Path to the Western Paradise

Daily Life in Edo and later Humanity Saijiki

Dantsu 段通/緞通 Japanese carpets

Dengakumai, dengaku mai 田楽舞 dance and food

Dogu (doguu 土偶) clay figurines of the Jomon period

Doosojin, the Roadside Deities 道祖神 (Dosojin)

EDO - Edo shigusa 江戸しぐさ manners of Edo 江戸思草 

Kotowaza ことわざ Proverbs and Sayings

Festivals, Ceremonies, Rituals SAIJIKI

Fishing Methods in Japan

Food and Drink in Japan ... WASHOKU SAIJIKI

History of Buddha Statues in Japan 仏像の歴史

Kanban kenchiku 看板建築 billboard architecture
signboard architecture

Kannabi, a place of the Gods 神奈備

Kigo ... 季語 ... Introducing THINGS JAPANESE !
..... Haiku and Things Japanese !

Kimigayo 君が代 the national anthem

Kubizuka, mounds for a severed head 首塚

Kurofune 黒船 Black Ships and a kyoka poem

Making Buddha Statues 仏像作りBasic Information
Mamori, O-Mamori, Amulettes and Talismans お守り
Maniguruma, Prayer Wheels マニ車,摩尼車. Jizoguruma 地蔵車
Mudra ... the gestures and positions of the hands ... mudra of preaching the Dharma (dharma-cakra-pravartana). Mit Deutschem Text.
Muenbotoke ... 無縁仏 ... Graves of unknown pilgrims

Nyoi Hooju, Wishfulfilling Jewel 如意宝珠, mani hooju 摩尼宝珠

Place Names 歌枕 .. Uta Makura .. used in Haiku
Pilgrims : Shikoku Summer 2005 Our own Haiku Pilgrimage 四国の遍路

Ranma 欄間 transom durchbrochene Zierleiste

Rokudo (Rokudoo) 六道... The Six Realms of Existence. Also GAKI 餓鬼, the Hungry Ghosts

Ryu, Ryuu .. 龍 竜 ... Dragon Art of Asia

A gallery of its own in 2012 - year of the dragon

. Sanbasoo 三番叟 Sanbaso Dancer .
Shuuban 宗判 temple stamps of identification
Storehouse, warehouse (kura 蔵, dozoo 土蔵)
Suijin, God of Water 水神

Tainai Butsu 胎内佛, 胎内仏Small Statues inside a statue.
..... offerings inside a statue, zoonai noonyuuhin 像内納入品
Tamanokoshi 玉の輿お守り talismans Imamiya Shrine, Kyoto
Taoism ...
Daoist Hell, Taoist Hell concepts

Teien, tei-en .. 日本の庭園 Japanese Gardens

Uchishiki ... 打敷 Altar Cloth with Dragon Design
Utasebune 打瀬船 fishing boats for shrimp

Yatagarasu, yata-garasu 八咫烏 "Three-legged crow"
legendary eight-span crow)


... ... ... Daruma Temples

Famous Daruma Temples ... an overview

Daruma-Dera in Nishi-Izu 西伊豆の達磨寺
Hoorin-Ji Temple in Kyoto 法輪寺

Jindai-Ji Temple in Mitaka, Tokyo 深大寺 and the Ajikan meditation, Sanskrit letters
and "Ganzan Daishi" 元三大師.

Katsuo-Ji 勝尾寺 Osaka, Mino
Kozenji .. BIG Daruma Temple Koozen-Ji 興禅寺, Wakayama
Shoorin-Zan, Daruma-Ji Takasaki. Shorinzan

and the temple with the GRAVE OF DARUMA in Japan

Daruma-Ji at Kataoka 片岡


. Japan - Shrines and Temples - Terminology .
Since 2013

. Sacred places - MAIN LIST .


. . . More ARTICLES

Things of interest in Japanese culture ... a long LIST

The Old Tea Road from Yunnan to Lhasa
茶馬古道(ちゃばこどう).. Chaba Kodo

Japanese PLACE NAMES ... used in Haiku

Japanese TEMPLE and SHRINE NAMES ... used in Haiku

. Museums, Collections, Exhibitions .


from my Paradise Publishers:
with full text online

. Buddhistische Kultgegenstände Japans .
(Buddhist Ritual and Ceremonial Tools)
butsugu 仏具, hoogu 法具
ISBN 4-938864-05-3

. Buddhastatuen ... Who is Who .
Ein Wegweiser zur Ikonografie
von japanischen Buddhastatuen
ISBN 4-938864-01-0



. Festivals, Ceremonies, Rituals - SAIJIKI .

. Amulets and Talismans from Japan . 



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