The Hata Clan 秦氏 Hata Uji
The Korean, Chinese and Christian connection !
keikyoo 景教 nestorianism - ネストリウス派
Descendants of the Hata dynasty 秦王朝
Shin, Quin of China
Qin, 秦朝 the first imperial dynasty of China, lasting from 221 to 207 BC.
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The Hata clan (秦氏) was an immigrant clan active in Japan since the Kofun period, according to the epic history Nihonshoki.
Hata is the Japanese reading of the Chinese (state and dynasty) name 秦 given to the Qin Dynasty (the real family name was Ying), and given to their descendants established in Japan. The Nihonshoki presents the Hata as a clan or house, and not as a tribe; also only the members of the head family had the right to use the name of Hata.
The Hata can be compared to other families who came from the continent during the Kofun period: the descendants of the Chinese Han Dynasty, by Prince Achi no Omi, ancestor of the Yamato no Aya clan, the Sakanoue clan, the Tamura clan, the Harada and the Akizuki clan; also, the descendants of the Chinese Cao Wei Dynasty by the Takamuko clan. The descendants of Baekje Paekche (Kudara in Japanese) who sought refuge in Japan, for example the Yamato no Fubito (also called Yamato no Fubito- 和史 later given a new title, Takano no Asomi- 高野朝臣), Kudara no Konikishi clan, and the Sue clan.
The Hata are mentioned by name more often than almost any other immigrant clan in the Nihonshoki, one of Heian-period Japan's epics, combining mythology and history.
The first leader of the Hata to arrive in Japan, Uzumasa-no-Kimi-Sukune, arrived during the reign of Emperor Chūai, in the 2nd century CE. According to the epic, he and his followers were greeted warmly, and Uzumasa was granted a high government position.
Roughly one hundred years later, during the reign of Emperor Ōjin, a Hata prince called Yuzuki no Kimi visited Japan from the Kingdom of Baekje in Korea. He said he had come from Baekje, and he wanted to emigrate to Japan, but that Silla would not permit him to do so.
... They are said to have aided in the establishment of Heian-kyō (modern-day Kyoto), and of many Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples, including
Fushimi Inari Taisha, Matsunoo Taisha, and Kōryū-ji.
... In addition, many towns in Japan are named after the clan, such as Ohata, Yahata, and Hatano. The population of Neyagawa in Osaka Prefecture includes a number of people who claim descent from the Hata.
... The notion that the Hata clan were among the Lost Tribes of Israel, though far from widely accepted or even seriously considered in formal scholarship, is central to the beliefs of several Japanese New Religions...
Read all the details here:
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. Bull Festival of Uzumasa, 太秦の牛祭 .
Kyoto, temple Kooryuji 広隆寺 Koryu-Ji.
kigo for late autumn

Uzumasa Koryu-ji 太秦広隆寺 in Kyoto, which was established by
Hata-no-Kawakatsu (秦河勝), the leader of Hata-uji in 603 in the Asuka period.
HP of the temple : www.kyouto.net/kouryuji.html
Hata no Kawakatsu (秦河勝), sometimes called Hada no Kōkatsu, Hada no Kokatsu
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Plate at Uzumasa-den 太秦殿
which enshrines Hata no Kawakatsu.
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Shinra, the Japanese version of Silla, the Korean Kingdom.
新羅神社 Shinra Jinja in Fukui
is believed to enshrine the tutelary deity of immigrants from ancient Korean Shinra (or Shiragi, 新羅) around the 4-7 century.
Immigrants from ancient Korean were employed as technical specialists of sericulture, fabric, papermaking, ironmaking and blacksmith, which are traditional handicrafts descended from generation to generation in the Hokuriku district.
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Joys of Japan, 2012
. Kara no kami 韓神 / 漢神 Deity from Korea .
and the Sonokara Futakami no Matsuri Festsival
Konoshima Jinja 木嶋神社
mihashira torii, mitsubashira torii
三柱鳥居 three-pillar torii
sankaku torii 三角鳥居

This kind of torii has three top lintels.
The three pillars symbolise heavens, earth and mankind 天地人.
Some sources state that this was a secret symbol of the underground Christians for the Holy Trinity.
keikyou 景教 Nestorianism
. Uzumasa no Konoshima Jinja 太秦の木嶋神社 .
(Uzumasa no Kijima Jinja)
also called
Kaiko no yashiro (蚕ノ社) - Silkworm Shrine
and the Korean connection to the Hata clan (秦氏).
The Konoshima shrine explains the three pillars represent
faith, hope and charity.
The stone piles under the two three-pillar Torii at Wadatsumi Jinja are believed as the graves of deities - one is Azumi-no-Isora (安曇磯良, probably same deity as Ugayafukiaezu-no-mikoto (鵜茅葺不合命)) and the other one is
Toyotamahiko-no-mikoto (豊玉彦尊, = Wadatsumi-no-kami (綿津見神 or 海神)). It seems only male deities who have Wadatsumi's blood in their veins are enshrined in this style to be immersed into water.
According to this rule, the stone piles under the three-pillar Torii at Konoshima Jinjya must be the grave of deity who is the offspring of Wadatsumi. Among the enshrined deities at Konoshima Jinjya, there is only one deity who is the offspring of Wadatsumi. His name is Ugayafukiaezu-no-mikoto, who is the grandson of Wadatsumi and the father of Emperor Jinmu (神武天皇).

Azumi-no-Isora's grave under the three-pillar torii at Wadatsumi Jinja
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. Jinmu Tenno 神武天皇 and the Wakasa connection .
. Azumi no Isora Maru 阿曇磯良丸 Isoramaru .
Seven Mihashira Torii with three pillars
1. 太秦(うずまさ)の木島神社
2.三囲神社の三柱鳥居 東京都墨田区向島
3.和多都美神社の三柱鳥居 長崎県対馬
4.大神教会の三柱鳥居 奈良県桜井市
5.穂積三柱鳥居 岐阜県関市洞戸奥洞戸 栗原底津丸山山頂
6.大和町の三柱鳥居 岐阜県郡上郡大和町
7.神山町三柱鳥居 徳島県名西郡神山町
source : mkun/nazo/mihasira
Mototadasu no ike 元糺の池
"Mototadasu-no-ike pond"

"Moto" means "original" and "tadasu" means "repent one's sin".
It is said that this pond is considered as the original place of River Mitarashi (御手洗川) in Tadasu-no-mori forest (糺の森) at Shimogamo Jinja and the name was transferred to the forest at Shimogamo, suggesting a special relation between Hata-uji and Kamo-uji.
Consistently, the crests of Kamo Jinja, Konoshima Jinja and Matsuo Taisha are all Futaba Aoi.
On the midsummer day (doyoo no ushi no hi 土用の丑の日), a baptism-like ritual is held at River Mitarashi (御手洗川) in the forest Tadasu-no-mori (糺の森) at Shimogamo Jinjaa.
On the same day, the same ritual is held at Mototadasu-no-ike pond (元糺の池)

Baptism-like ritual, Ashitsuke Shinji (足つけ神事) at Shimogamo Jinja
Another baptism,

Saio-dai Gyokei-no-gi (斎王代 御禊の儀)
Shimogamo Jinja at the Aoi Festival
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Joys of Japan, 2012
. kinu 絹 Sericulture, silk and the Hata clan .
Kokai Jinja 蚕養神社 "silkworm shrine"
in Ibaraki, Hitachi town
Wakumusubi 稚産霊命 ワクムスビ(ワクムスヒ) 和久産巣日神
Ukemochi no kami 宇気母智命 - 保食神(うけもちのかみ)
Memyo Bosatsu 馬鳴菩薩
. Matarajin 摩多羅神 .
Gion matsuri 祇園祭り Gion Festival in Kyoto
one of the most famous festivals in Japan.
It spans the entire month of July and is crowned by a parade, the Yamaboko Junkō (山鉾巡行) on July 17.

Niwatori-boko float's tapestry:
"Prince Troy and his wife and children"
made in Belgium and was imported to Japan in the 16 century.
Kyoto Gion Festival (祇園祭) is coming this July 17th.
Yamahoko (山鉾, floats) will be decorated by gorgeous tapestries. If you are there, you will be surprised to see most tapestries are not traditional Japanese ones and some are European, Islamic and even Judaism arts.
Here is the example, Kankoboko (函谷鉾)'s tapestry made in Belgium in the 16 century - "Rebecca giving water to Isaac", a famous scene from Hebrew Bible.
The 17th day of the seventh month
is the day that Noah's ark drifted to Ararat!
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Joys of Japan, 2012
. War of Troy tapestry .
and Hasekura Tsunenaga 支倉六右衛門常長
. WKD : yababoko 山鉾(やまぼこ)Gion Festival floats .
Shrines related to the Hata clan
. Fushimi Inari Taisha 伏見稲荷大社 Kyoto .
In 711, Hata-no-Irogu (秦伊呂具), who is considered as the brother of Hata-no-imikitori (秦忌寸都理), established this shrine by enshrining the Inari deities at Mt. Inari (稲荷山) in Kyoto.
. Hakusan shrines 白山神社 "White Mountain shrines" .
Taichoo 泰澄 (682 - 767) Shugendo priest
Kooryuuji 広隆寺 Koryu-Ji
Hatanokimi dera, Hatakimidera, Hatagimidera 秦公寺
built by Hata no Kawakatsu 秦河勝
see above
. Matsunoo Taisha 松尾大社 Matsu no O Taisha .
#Matsuo Taisha
Founded in 701 by Hata no Tori 秦都理(はたのとり).
The Kamo Clan 賀茂氏 Kamo-shi, Kamo Uji
Kamo shrine coplex, the location was once Tadasu no Mori (糺の森), the wild forest home of the exclusive caretakers of the shrine from prehistoric times.
. Shimogamo Shrine 下鴨神社
Kamigamo Shrine 上賀茂神社 .
kamon 家紋 family crest of the Kamo clan
shinmon 神紋 crest of a Shinto shrine (in this case, the Kamo shrines)
futaba aoi 双葉葵/二葉葵
hollyhock with two leaves
フタバアオイ - Asarum caulescens
. Aoi festival (Aoi matsuri 葵祭) .
moroha aoi 双葉葵(もろはあおい)hollyhock with two leaves
Kamo no aoi 賀茂葵(かものあおい)"hollyhock from Kamo"
kigo for early summer
. hollyhock, mallow 葵 (あおい) aoi .
The Hata clan and Prince Shotoku Taishi,
Crown Prince Umayado 厩戸皇子
Hata Kawakatsu 秦河勝 founded Kouryuji Temple at Uzumasa, Kyoto in 603 and became the most influential brain of Crown Prince Shoutoku, the regent of Emperess Suiko.
source : Yoshimura Naohiro.
Prince Shōtoku (聖徳太子, Shōtoku Taishi)
February 7, 572 – April 8, 622
also known as Prince Umayado (厩戸皇子, Umayado no ōji) or Prince Kamitsumiya (上宮皇子, Kamitsumiya no ōji), was a semi-legendary regent and a politician of the Asuka period in Japan who served under Empress Suiko.
Crown Prince Shoutoku has another name: Umayado that means
"a prince born in a stable".
The situation of the birth of Shoutoku remind us of the one of Jesus Christ.
Hata Kawakatsu founded Kooryuji Temple at Uzumasa, Kyoto in 603 and became the most influential brain of Crown Prince Shoutoku. the regent of Emperess Suiko.
. Shotoku Taishi 聖徳太子 .

yatagarasu 八咫烏 a three-legged crow
秦氏 = エルサレム教団 Hatauji, a Christian Group from Jerusalem
Tenno 「天皇=ユダ族」Yuda clan from Israel
Kamo clan 「賀茂氏=レビ族」Rebi clan from the children of Jacob
Hata Uji clan 「秦氏=ベニヤミン族」Beniamin clan from Israel
source : kemono666
The three-legged crow (raven) was the guide of emperor Jimmu (Jinmu Tenno 神武天皇) when he visited the Kumano region.
. Kumano Gongen 熊野権現 .
Echigoya, Mitsui, Mitsukoshi and the Hata clan
Shrine Mimeguri Jinja 三囲神社(みめぐり神社)
There is a torii gate with three pillars.
The stone lantern at this shrine also does have three openings.
source : mkun/nazo/mihasira
source : mkun/nazo
. Echigoya 越後屋 and Mitsui 三井 .
Many of the traditional ceremonies in Japan seem to be the traces that the Jews and the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel came to ancient Japan.
Arimasa Kubo
Suwa Taisha and Mount Moriya san, Misakuchi festival
The Crest of the Imperial House of Japan
The Star of David Is A Symbol Also Used At Ise-jingu
Japanese Religious Priests "Yamabushi" Put A Black Box on their Foreheads Just As Jews Put A Phylactery on their Foreheads.
Japanese "Omikoshi" Resembles the Ark of the Covenant.
The Robe of Japanese Priests Resembles the Robe of Israeli Priests.
Waving the Sheaf of Harvest Is Also the Custom of Japan. Gohei
The Structure of the Japanese Shinto Shrine is the Same As God's Tabernacle of Ancient Israel.
Sacred use of Salt.
Festivals of Japan Resemble the Festivals of Ancient Israel.
Old Japanese Words Have Hebrew Origin.
Lost Tribes of Israel Came to Ancient Japan.
source : www.biblemysteries.com
. Festivals, Ceremonies, Rituals - SAIJIKI .
We can trace the ancestry of Japanese (or at least the Royal Family which have continued for 2672 years) into people from the ancient Israel, 10 Lost Tribes.
Another web site by the author Mr. Arimasa Kubo presenting the new genetical data:
Taisaku Nogi wrote:
Hata-uji-rerated and Matsuo Taisha's outer precincts shrine Tsukiyomi Jinjya (月読神社) in Kyoto. This shrine received the deity from Tsukiyomi Jinjya in Island Iki (壱岐島), who is believed as the tutelary deity of Ama-zoku (海人族, Ama tribe) in Island Iki, suggesting a special relation of Hata-uji and Ama-zoku as well as the Hata-uji's immigration route.
Island Tsushima, which is located next to Island Iki, is also Ama-zoku's sphere of influence. Wadatsumi Jinjya having the three-piller Torii is in Tsushima:
One more thing.
Shotoku Taishi (聖徳太子) is also enshrined at Tsukiyomi Jinja in Kyoto.
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