Fellow Pilgrims - LIST
Artists, saints, samurai . . .

. Artists of Daruma Art - MAIN LIST .
- AAA - / - BBB - / - CCC - / - DDD - / - EEE -
- FFF - / - GGG - / - HHH - / - I I I - / - JJJ -
- KK KK - / - LLL - / - MMM - / - NNN - / - OOO -
- PPP - / - QQQ - / - RRR - / - SSS - / - TTT -
- UUU - / - VVV - / - WWW - / - XYZ -
Abe no Seimei 阿倍晴明 (921 - 1002) Onmyooji, Onmyo 陰陽師
Antoku Tenno 安徳天皇 and Senteisai Festisval 先帝祭
Bankei Yōtaku 盤珪永琢 Bankei Yotaku. Eitaku
(1622-1693) Zen priest
- Matsuo Basho and Haiku 松尾芭蕉 - Matsuo Basho (Matsuo Bashoo). WKD Archives
Big Spenders, the 18 Playboys of Edo (juuhachi daitsuu) 十八大通
Binzuru, the Arhat 賓頭盧, びんずる、びんづる ビンヅル
Brinker, Helmut Heinrich Brinker (1939 - 2012)
Kunsthistoriker und Sinologe
Bukan 豊干 Feng-Kan Chinese Zen Monk
Busch, Wilhelm Busch (1832 - 1908) German Poet and Carricaturist
Busshi 仏師 ... Buddhist sculptors
Butsugai Fusen 物外不遷 1795~1867. Takeda Genkotsu Motsugi.
Painter, Haiku Poet, Martial Arts Teacher ...
Chisho Daishi Enchin 智證大師 圓珍 (814 - 891)
Chuang-tzu, Zhuangzi 荘子 / 莊周 Sooshi, Sooji Chinese philosopher
Choogen 重源 Priest Chogen (1121–1206)
Confucius, a Chinese Scholar Kooshi, Koshi 孔子
Date Masamune 伊達政宗 Samurai (1567 - 1636)
Domon Ken 土門拳 - Photographer (1909 - 1990)
Donryuu 呑龍上人 Saint Donryu (556 - 1623)
Echigoya Merchant 越後屋 and Mitsui 三井
Eisai, Myoan Eisai 明菴栄西 (1141 - 1215)
Eisai Zenji (栄西禅師), literally "Zen master Eisai"
Ekin 絵金 Hirose Kinzo 弘瀬金蔵 Painter of bloody sceenes
Tosa, Akaoka 土佐 赤岡町
Enami Nobukuni 江南信國 (1859-1929) T. ENAMI, photographer
Enku 円空 Master Carver
Ennin, Jikaku Daishi ... 円仁 。慈覚大師仁円
En no Gyoja 役行者、E no Ozunu 小角
Escher, M.C. Escher (1898 - 1972)
Five Hundred Arhats Gohyaku Rakan 五百羅漢
Fujiwara no Teika 藤原定家
Fukuda Kodoojin 福田古道人 Fukuda Kodojin (1865-1944)
Painter and Haiku Poet
Fuugai Shoonin 風外上人 Saint Fugai 1568-1654
Ganjin 鑒真 or 鑑真
. . . Genroku Period Haikai Poets ... Introduction 元禄
Gichiku 宜竹 Too Saburo 藤三郎
Kaijo Shuurin 景徐周麟 (1440 - 1518) Shakuhachi player
Goemon, Ishikawa Goemon 石川 五右衛門 outlaw hero and a bath tub (Goemonburo 五右衛門風呂)
Gyoki Bosatsu Gyooki 行基菩薩
Gyuumei 牛鳴 Paintings by Gyumei san
Haiku Poets of Japan ... an introduction
Hakuin Ekaku ... 白隠 慧鶴 Hakuin Zenji
Hakurakuren 白楽天, Haku Kyoi 白居易 (772 - 846) Chinese poet
Hata uji 秦氏 the Hata clan
Uzumasa 太秦, Hata no Kawakatsu 秦河勝 etc.
Hearn, Lafcadio Koizumi Yakumo 小泉八雲
Hermits and recluses
Higashiyama Kaii 東山魁夷 (1908-1999)
Hiraga Gennai 平賀源内 (1728 - 1780) doctor, painter, potter, inventor
Hirayama Ikuo 平山郁夫 (1930 - 2009)
Hiroshige, Utagawa, Ando Hiroshige 歌川広重 / 安藤広重 (1797-1858)
Hokusai - 葛飾北斎 Woodblock Print Artist
Honen Shoonin and Pure Land Buddhism .. 法然上人
Hoshina Masayuki 保科 正之 (1611 - 1673)
Ikkyu Sojun 一休宗純 (1394-1481) Zen priest
Ippen shoonin 一遍上人 Priest Ippen
and the weepeing willow tree 遊行柳
Ishida Mitsunari 石田三成 1560 - November 6, 1600. Samurai
Issa, a Haiku Master 小林一茶と達磨俳句
. . . . . Three treasures of Haiku and ISSA
Kaibara Ekiken 貝原益軒 Kaibara Ekken ( 1630 - 1714)
Kakuban and The Legend of Kirimomi Fudo ... 覚鑁[1095~1143]
Kamo no Choomei 鴨長明 Kamo no Chomei ( 1153 or 1155–1216)
Kano Eitoku 狩野 永徳(1543 - 1590)
Kano Kazunobu 狩野 一信 (1816 - 1863)
Kanzan and Jittoku 寒山拾得 Hanshan and Shide
Karukaya 刈萱上人 Saint Karukaya and his son 石堂丸 Ishidomaru
Kato Kiyomasa 加藤清正 (1562 - 1611) Samurai
Kawanabe Kyosai (Kawanabe Gyoosai, Kyoosai)
河鍋暁斎. Painter, (1831-1889)
Kawasaki Kyosen 川崎巨泉(1877-1942)
... 5000 Sketches of Japanese Folk Art
Keene, Donald Keene
Kentooshi 遣唐使 Japanese Envoys to China
Kerr, Alex Kerr and the house Chiiori 篪庵 Shikoku
Kinoshita Mariko 木下真理子
and Chinese calligrapher Ouyang Xun 欧陽詢 (557–641)
Kitagawa Utamaro 喜多川歌麿(1753~1806年)
Kobori Enshuu 小堀遠州, Garden Designer
Koizumi Junsaku 小泉淳作 (1924 – January 9, 2012)
Komyo Kogo (Koomyoo Koogoo 光明皇后 ) Empress
法華寺 (Hokkedera) Nara
Korean Ambassadors to Edo Choosen Tsuushin Shi .. 朝鮮通信使
Kukai, Kobo Daishi 弘法大師 空海 (Kuukai, Kooboo Daishi)
..... Omokaru Daishi, Heavy-light Daishi おもかる大師
Kumagai Morikazu 熊谷守一 Painter (1880―1977)
Kumarajiva, the Translator 鳩摩羅什
Kunisada Chuuji (国定 忠治) (1810-1851) Kunisada Chuji
a Robin Hood of Japan
Kuniyoshi, Utagawa Kuniyoshi ...歌川国芳 (1797 - April 14, 1861). Woodblocks
Kusama Yayoi Kusama (草間 彌生 or 草間 弥生) Polka Dot Artist (1929 - )
Kuya Shonin Kuuya Shoonin, Saint Kuya 空也上人
Lao Tzu, Laozi 老子 Lao Tse, Lao Tu, Lao-Tsu, Laotze, Laosi, Laocius
Li Po, Li Bo (Ri Haku 李白) Li T'ai-po, Chinese poet
Masakado and Kuyoo Mon ... 九曜紋 ...Nine Stars Crest
... and Taira no Masakado 平将門
Maya Bunin 摩耶夫人 Maya Fujin, Queen Maya, Mother of Buddha
Minamoto no Tametomo 源為朝 (1139 - 1170)
Chinzei Hachirō Tametomo (鎮西 八郎 為朝
Minamoto no Yoshinaka and Tomoe Gozen 源義仲 /巴御前
(Heike Monogatari)
Minamoto no Yoritomo 源 頼朝 (1147 – 1199)
Miyazawa Kenji Miyazawa ... 宮沢賢治 (1896 - 1933)
Muso Soseki (夢窓疎石) (1275 - 1351) Muso Kokushi 夢窓国師
(Musoo Kokushi) -Zen priest and gardener, the ZUIKI festival
Myoe Shonin 明恵上人 Saint Myooe, Myo-E (1173-1232)
Nagarjuna 龍樹 Ryuuju and the Middle Way
Nakamura Kanzaburo 中村勘三郎 Kabuki actor. (1955 - 2012)
Nantenboo 南天坊 Zen Priest
Naoe Kanetsugu 直江兼続公
Natori Shunsen 名取春仙 1886 - 1960. Hanga artist.
and Ogiwara Seisensui 荻原井泉水
Nichiren 日蓮上人 Priest
Ninja 忍者 spies of the Edo period
Nintoku Tenno 仁徳天皇 313 - 399
Nishimura Kocho (Nishimura Koochoo) 西村公朝 Master Carver
Oda Nobunaga 織田信長 Samurai. (1534 – 1582)
Ogata Korin, Ogata Koorin 尾形光琳 (1658 - June 20, 1716)
Rinpa school of painting 琳派
Ogata Gekkoo 尾形月耕 Ogata Gekko Painter (1859-1920)
Ogawa Haritsu 小川破笠 Haiku Poet and Artist. (1663~1747)
Ogura Yuki, Painter. 小倉遊亀 [1895~2000]
Omi Hino Shoonin 近江日野商人 Hino Merchants from Omi
Ono Kazuhiko (Oono Kazuhiko) 大野勝彦 A painter without hands
Ono no Takamura 小野篁 (802 - 852)
Otomo no Yakamochi 大伴家持 (c. 718 – 785) Waka Poet
Ouyang Xun 歐陽詢 (557–641) Calligrapher, China
. POETS ... Haiku Poets from Japan
Raku Kichizaemon XV 樂 吉左衛門 Potter of the Raku tradition
Rokujo no Miyasudokoro 六条御息所 Lady Rokujo and Genji
Rooben 良弁僧正 Priest Roben Sojo (689 - 773)
Ryokan san, 良寛さん Ryookan
Saicho, Dengyo Daishi 伝教大師最澄 (Saichoo, Dengyoo Daishi)
Saigyo Hooshi (西行法師) and the Cherry Blossoms
Saito Betto Sanemori 斎藤別当実盛 Saitoo Bettoo Sanemori (? - 1183)
Sakamoto Royma (Ryuma) 坂本龍馬 (1836 - 1867). Ryomaden 竜馬伝
Seckel, Dietrich Seckel Professor für Ostasiatische Kunstsgeschichte
Sekino Yoshiharu 関野吉晴 Modern Adventurer and doctor
Sen Sotan 千宗旦 Tea Master (1578-1658)
.....Sotangitsune 宗旦狐 Sotan Kitsune
Sengai Gibon せんがい 仙厓義梵 <> Sengai,Zen and the Frog
Sennin 仙人 ... Mountain Hermite and Recluses
Sharaku 東洲斎写楽 active 1794-95 woodblock artist
Shibata Katsuie 柴田勝家 Samurai. ((1522 – 1583)
Shibata Zeshin 柴田是真 (1806 - 1891) painter, artist
Shieh, Wilson Shieh, temporary painter Hongkong
Shinran Shonin 親鸞 Saint Shinran (1173 - 1263). Hoonko kigo
Shokado Shojo 松花堂昭乗 (Shookadoo Shoojoo
and the Shokado Bento 松花堂弁当
Shoki the Demon Queller 鍾馗 (しょうき shooki)
Shunmyo Masuno, Zen Garden Master 禅庭氏 増野
Soga Kyoodai 曽我兄弟 The Revenge Story of the Soga Brothers
and Tora Gozen 虎御前 Lady Tora
Son Goku 孫悟空 the Monkey King Sun Wukong
and the monk Xuanzang / Sanzohoshi
Soojoo Henjoo 僧正遍照 Sojo Henjo
Suzuki Chokichi 鈴木長吉 (Chookichi) 1848 - 1919. Metal Craftsman
Tagai Kansho (Tagai Kanshoo 互井観章) "Mr Happiness" / ハピネス観章 the rapping monk of temple Kyo-O-Ji 経王寺, Tokyo
Taira no Kiyomori 平清盛 Heike Monogatari
Takehisa Yumeji 竹久夢二 Painter (1884 - 1934)
Takita Sakae 滝田栄 actor and woodcarver
Takuan Soho 沢庵 宗彭 (1573–1645) and pickled radishes
Tanshoo 但唱 Mokujiki Tansho 木喰但唱 (? - 1641)
and his disciple Mokujiki Kansho 閑唱上人
Tawara Toota Hidesato 俵藤太秀郷 Tawara Tota Heian period
Tezuka Osamu 手塚治虫 (1928 - 1989) Manga
Togi Hideki 東儀秀樹 Tougi Hideki (1959 - )
gagaku flute player
Tokugawa Ieyasu ... 徳川家康... and Tosho-Gu 東照宮, Nikko 日光
Tokuitsu (Toku-Ichi) Priest Tokuitsu 得一 徳溢 and
Yakushi Nyorai in the Aizu Area
Tosa Mitsuoki 土佐光起 The Tosa school of painters
Toyotomi Hideyoshi 豊臣秀吉
Tsukioka Yoshitoshi 月岡芳年 (1839 – June 9, 1892)
..... Tsukioka Kogyo 月岡耕漁 (1869-1927) (Tsukioka Koogyo)
Uesugi Kenshin Kagetora 上杉謙信(景虎)
Watonai 和藤内, the Tiger Hero
Zheng Chenggong, Cheng Ch'eng-kung (1624 - 1662)
Xavier, Saint Francis Xavier, sei Sabieru 聖ザビエル
(1506 - 1552)
Yamaoka Tesshu
Yookihi 楊貴妃 Yang Gui Fei, Princess Yokihi
Yoshida Kenko 吉田兼好 Yoshida Kenkoo (1283? – 1350?)
Yoshizawa Akira 吉澤章
14 March 1911 – 14 March 2005 - Origami Artist
Zeniya Gohei 銭屋五兵衛 merchant and engineer
1774年1月7日) - (1852年12月31日)

. Daruma - Artists, People - LIST .
. Haiku Poets and writers - LIST .
. Festivals, Ceremonies, Rituals - SAIJIKI .
1 comment:
The Class System of Edo
mibun seido 身分制度 (みぶんせいど) status system, Klassensystem
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